Well done to Emiel Jonker, organizing the first of a kind golf day for juniors at Schoeman Park Golf Club, as part of one of the outputs of NOMADS viz. Furtherance the game of golf amongst juniors.

The initiative by Emiel Jonker was to promote the game of golf amongst juniors, whether they had an official handicap or not, market and promote the assistance by Nomads to furtherance of golf and hoping to grow Free State Nomads one day.This could be a start of even larger days in future.

As mentioned, 85 juniors from all over the Free State, which included Harrismith, Bethlehem and Qwa-Qwa amongst others, attended.

Our sponsors ensured that no entry fees were required from participants. The course was paid for and every participant received a goody bag, hallway house and a prize.

Thank you Mellaney Hanton amongst other for assisting with the registration and handing out
the goody bags.

We would like to acknowledge the following sponsors

Main sponsor: Free State Golf Union
Assistant sponsor: Free State Nomads
Hole sponsors: Bloem Tyres and Windscreens (1st Hole), Eminent Wealth (6th Hole), Pickfords Removals (10th Hole)
Goody bags: Altus Beeston, Domonique van der Merwe, Cronje Ferreira, Rudi Botha, Jean Khouri, Laurie Badenhorst, Gary Lindeque, James Moore, William Shepherd and Hollard

We would also like to acknowledge the helpers on the day

Organizer: Emiel Jonker (Free State Nomads Junior Vice-Captain)
Registration: Mellaney Hanton, Johan Terblanche, Neels Bezuidenhout
Starters: Sandy Matsamela (1st), Cronje Ferreira (10th)
Marshalls: Johan Terblanche, Louis Lange
Score cards: Neels Bezuidenhout, Johan Terblanche, Charles van der Blink
Prize giving: Charles van den Blink (Free State Nomads Captain), Ralph Olivier